4 ways to find time to exercise as a new mom

New moms may find it hard to find time to exercise as they have to take care of their newborn as well as they lack sleep. However, getting a few minutes of exercise a day will help new moms feel better and give them the energy to take on their new role. Here are four ways to sneak in some exercise when you are a new mom.

Go for a hike with your baby – Place your baby in a front carrier or a sling and ensure your baby is well supported before you head out for a walk. If your baby is six months or more, you could look at putting your baby in a stroller and heading out for a slow jog around the block.

Ask for 30 minutes – Speak to your partner or caregiver and ask them to watch your baby for 30 minutes while you work out. If you are a working mom, start by waking up at least an hour earlier to get a workout before you have to leave for work.

Check out local health clubs or yoga studios – Lots of fitness centers offer postpartum exercise classes suitable for new moms. Speak to your local health or yoga club and ask them what they provide and note down the schedule. Some clubs also offer babysitting services for babies over six months.

Join a mom-and-baby stroller exercise program – Mom and baby stroller exercise programs include programs like Stroller Strides, Baby Boot Camp, or Stroller Fit. These programs are great for new moms to workout, meet other months and to spend time with your baby.