Category: Health

  • 3 Ways to Improve Sleep at Night

    3 Ways to Improve Sleep at Night

    Do you wake up fresh after a good night’s sleep? Or does the alarm interrupt you in deep sleep?   If it is the latter, then it should be clear that you aren’t getting sufficient sleep.   While some people can get by with less, there are others who still cannot get enough. This all…

  • 3 Questions About a Good Night’s Sleep

    3 Questions About a Good Night’s Sleep

    A good nights rest is important for both our mental and physical well being. A lot of health and wellness focused books and guides all start with the same thing: get better sleep. Here are three common questions about sleep that can help you get a better nights sleep. 1: How much sleep should I…

  • 3 Prebiotics Foods to Consume to Promote Overall Health

    3 Prebiotics Foods to Consume to Promote Overall Health

    Prebiotic foods play an important part in sustaining the function of probiotics. In particular, this is about the bacteria in our gut. Simply put, they are a type of fiber that passes through the digestive system to be consumed by the probiotics that serve to promote health. There are a number of types of prebiotics…

  • 4 Foods That Can Improve Male Sexual Health

    4 Foods That Can Improve Male Sexual Health

    While supplements can improve male sexual health, some foods work just as well. Common issues involve decreased sperm mobility, erectile dysfunction or a drop in libido. To resolve these and more, here are 4 foods that can improve male sexual health: 1: Walnuts If there’s one food that would improve men’s sexual health, the walnut…

  • Good metabolism helps with energy production and storage

    Good metabolism helps with energy production and storage

    Article written by Cellan Diet. Body energy comes from food we eat. Human body is an amazing machine that converts food we eat into energy through its metabolic process and absorbs fat, calories, and many other essential nutrients. Our metabolism plays a big role helping with the energy production and storage. Due to various external…

  • 3 Anti-Aging Tips For Your Hands

    3 Anti-Aging Tips For Your Hands

    All that energy and money spent at the gym and skin cream will come to nought if you’re not taking care of your hands. If there’s anything that’s true, it’s the fact that your hands age faster than any other body part – even your face. Keeping this mind, here are 3 anti-aging tips for…

  • 3 Age-Accelerating Foods that You Should Clearly Avoid

    3 Age-Accelerating Foods that You Should Clearly Avoid

    There’s a good reason why your skin begins to look older as soon as you attend a few parties. Experts know that what you eat determines the health of your skin. Yet this doesn’t happen because of a few nights of overdoing but if it is a consistent practice – a poor diet, if you…

  • Berries for improved health and weight loss

    Guest post is provided by Cellan Diet Pills. Berries bring many benefits but its fiber content helps you to lose weight by controlling your appetite. Cellan Diet contains an exclusive berry blend to bring all benefits of berries have to offer. Berries contain fiber, folate, nutrients, antioxidants and high level of phytochemicals that prevent cell…

  • Preventing tooth Loss

    Tooth loss is common, and avoidable. Follow these tips to keep your teeth healthy for years to come.

  • Little Things that Could Be Making Us Fat

    Written by Paleoforever Everyone knows that if you want to lose fat, you need to change your diet for the better and workout. But what if you’re not seeing results when you do this? It’s easy to become skeptical fast and give up the whole thing. Plenty of people do every year. Well, as it…