Category: Cosmetic

  • How the Liposuction Process Works

    How the Liposuction Process Works

    Most commonly, people know that liposuction involves removing fat from certain parts of the body to create a more streamlined shape. But, how does this process actually work? This guide from the Bel Red Center for Aesthetic Surgery will walk you through the basics and everything you need to know about the liposuction process. Discussing…

  • Why you may suddenly have bad body odor

    Why you may suddenly have bad body odor

    Sometimes weird body issues can creep up on us at the strangest of times. Bad body odor is one problem that can cause embarrassment and shame. Here are some reasons why you may be emitting bad fumes. The first culprit is stress. You have two types of sweat glands. One called the Eccrine glands, which…

  • What’s Involved in Cosmetic Dentistry?

    What’s Involved in Cosmetic Dentistry?

    When it comes to cosmetic dentistry, you could say it’s, “all about the pretty.” This growing facet of dentistry creates a more beautiful smile through scientifically advanced techniques and materials. Most people hear the words cosmetic dentistry and wrongly assume it’s only for whitening. The highly skilled professionals at cosmetic dentistry Pasadena CA offer the…